You are currently viewing EP.69 Murray Smith on Creating Traction in Your Business and Your Entrepreneur Toolkit

EP.69 Murray Smith on Creating Traction in Your Business and Your Entrepreneur Toolkit

Feeling stuck in your business? This episode of Full Production is packed full of great life advice and business-know-how. A must-listen for any entrepreneur, regardless of where you’re at in the game.

Each Wednesday, join me, Peter Finn, managing director of FACE Contracting, as I navigate the ups and downs of the mining industry with forward-thinking professionals from all walks of life. If you’re involved in the mining industry in any way – whether you’re a lifer or a high-school student looking to make the leap – Full Production is the podcast for you.

In this week’s episode, we sit down with Murray Smith who’s the ultimate get-it-done-man. Murray is a certified implementer who heads up Grip6 Implementation, which uses the Entrepreneurial Operation System (EOS) to help organisations achieve laser focus to better reach their goals.

Murray is no stranger to facing tough situations, banking a fifteen-year career as a police officer prior to his business endeavours. He brings that know-how into organisations to act as a teacher, facilitator, and coach to help extract the information that is often already in the room.

He admits his method is simple, the key is having the discipline to execute it.

We also discussed:

  • The 6 components businesses need to have to achieve success
  • How connections are the heart of building your business
  • Murray’s background and how that has influenced his journey
  • Good work ethic as an ingredient to success in business
  • Balancing business growth with personal growth
  • Being faced with tough decisions and how to make the right choices
  • Making data-driven decisions in your business, and which data to pay attention to
  • Clarifying your vision to achieve your goals
  • Data innovation and how it’s influencing the mining industry
  • Handling stress and why it’s a key part of growth
  • How EOS works



Grip6 Implementation – Website

Murray Smith bio – EOS Website


Get in touch with Murray:



Find out where your company stands with Murray’s free Organisational Checkup™.